5 Powerful Pest Control Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

How to Turn Your Local Pest Control Company Into the Top Service Provider in Your Area


If you own a pest control company, do you find there are some business problems that never seem to go away?


The same competitors ranking higher on Google is one thing, but with the pest control industry expected to grow by 4.5% over the next several years, new competitors popping up is another.


There is growing demand thanks to the impact climate change has on insect communities and a rise in substances like biocide as customers look for environmentally friendly options.


But most importantly, there has been rapid growth in sales and marketing technologies for service-based businesses and other companies over the years.


Pest control marketing for your business can be quite tricky since it’s a highly competitive market. To generate more leads and increase sales, you have to be on top of industry changes.


But here’s the thing, starting is the easy part.


Consistently coming up with effective pest control marketing ideas to grow your business, acquire more customers and beat the competition? That’s the hard stuff.


Whether you’re new to the world of professional pest control or have spent some years in it, we’re here to help get you more leads to blow your sales through the roof.


In this article, I will discuss marketing strategies that will help your pest control business gain more sales and help your brand dominate your local market.



How Do You Generate Leads for Pest Control?


To generate more leads for your local pest control company, you need to establish a pest control marketing strategy.


Marketing ideas won’t work if your pest control marketing approach is all wrong. For instance, are you sure you’re marketing to the right audience?


Let’s take a minute to go through your existing pest control marketing strategy.



How to Set Up a Pest Control Marketing Strategy



Identify and Target the Right Audience


Do market research to find out who is likely to invest in your pest control services.


A good place to start might be your existing sales data. Are your best customers wealthy homeowners or apartment dwellers? Once you know, try to cater your messaging to their needs.


Also don’t hesitate to use Google Analytics for small business. You can analyze website data to look at trends among your audience and what types of interests they have.


Always let the data judge. This will help you know how best to approach your potential customers and the right marketing channels to use.



Know Your Competition


Who are the big guns in your town’s pest control market? You need to understand how they operate to show your potential customers how your business is the better choice.


For example, how do your competitors position themselves against your company? What is their pricing structure? What do their customer reviews say about them?


Knowing this information will go a long way in helping you develop a unique value proposition.



Switch Up Your Unique Value Proposition


Speaking of propositions, what is a unique value proposition?


A unique value proposition is what you tell your leads your pest control company brings to the table that your competitors don’t.


Don’t bore your customers with regular pest control messaging. They already know you eliminate pests. Focus more on the value that comes with pest elimination.


Telling leads that you will help them sleep at night is a good start, but maybe you’re the only one in town who does it with a special insecticide that’s less toxic than what your competitors use.


Again, what does your data say? Maybe a lot of website visitors check out other websites about insecticides that are organic or safe for pets. Those are some big clues for you!



Analyze How Well Your Pest Control Marketing Is Going


From time to time, go through your marketing channels to measure the success of your current marketing strategy. This will show you what’s working and what isn’t.


Do you send out email newsletters promoting seasonal offers for pest control services? What are the click-through rates of your emails?


How about your advertisements? If you use Google Ads, are you paying attention to your lead-gen metrics?


Also look into new channels to diversify your marketing efforts. For instance, Local Services by Google is a great avenue for service businesses to promote themselves to their communities.



5 Pest Control Marketing Ideas to Get More Leads Today


Now that we’ve established that you have a proper fundamental marketing strategy in place, here are some pest control marketing ideas you should try out.


These five pest control marketing ideas will be sure to help you blow your competition out of the water!


  1. Use the Power of Customer Reviews

  2. Promote Your Reviews on Social Media

  3. Implement a Referral Program

  4. Optimize Google My Business

  5. Invest in a Lead-Generating Website


1. Use the Power of Customer Reviews


Word-of-mouth influences potential customers when they look for service providers. According to online review statistics, 97% of people say customer reviews impact their buying decisions.


Make sure your pest control business isn’t left out of buyers’ considerations. If you don’t collect customer reviews, you are not fully utilizing your marketing potential.


This is why you should create a strategy that allows you to get positive reviews. Start by providing quality fumigation service, then ask your customers for reviews.


If you’re looking to learn how to get customer reviews, it all starts by setting yourself up on Google My Business and Facebook Business Manager.


Once you start getting positive reviews, you can share them on advertisements and your website to leverage them as part of your pest control marketing strategy. That’s a win-win!


Keep in mind that people will also look out for negative reviews. When you get a negative review (and you will sometimes), the way you choose to deal with them goes a long way.


When you reply with a polite and helpful response, potential customers will see that you’re professional and that you care about the customer experience.


If you’re not sure how best to handle negative feedback about your pest control business, check out this guide on how to respond to negative reviews.



2. Promote Your Reviews on Social Media


Make sure to utilize your social media pages a lot and to keep them active.


Today,over 70% of small- and medium-sized businesses use social media for marketing. You can’t afford to miss out on a channel your competitors are likely using.


Sharing positive reviews and testimonials is an easy way to get started. Remember how earlier we talked about customer reviews? Reviews are a great social proof example.


What does that mean? Positive customer reviews are “proof” to your future customers about how amazing and reliable your pest control services are.


Sharing this evidence is how you turn customer reviews into social proof so you can watch your job bookings—and your revenue—take off!



3. Implement a Referral Program


I’m sure you have customers who love your services and they send you referrals by recommending you.


Maybe they were so pleased with how effectively and quickly your technician removed pests from their home, the first thing they did was to tell their friends dealing with similar pest issues.


But not all of your customers jump at the chance to refer their network to your business. This is where a nudge comes in handy.


Think about setting up a referral program to reward your best customers for bringing in their friends, family or neighbors.


Start by identifying who your satisfied customers are, request referrals and incentivize the process. Then track the new flow of customers.


It can be as simple as giving 20% off or offering free pest traps.


Remember, when you are proactive about setting up small business referrals, you are more likely to get new customers for your pest control business.



4. Optimize Google My Business


Aside from word-of-mouth and social media, a great way to dominate the pest control market is through Google Search.


When potential customers want to find a local business, the first place they’ll go is Google. And when it comes to ranking on Google, you need to have a Google My Business profile.


Google My Business will populate data like contact information, reviews and your location, plus provide a link to your website. This is essential for your local business to compete online.


Make sure you follow best practices for Google My Business optimization to ensure your business shows up on top.


The best part? Listing your company on Google My Business is completely free!



5. Invest in a Lead-Generating Website


A professional website inspires trust. Not only does it make your business appear polished, but it provides an avenue for your customers to learn about your pest control business.


Make sure you know the steps on how to build a lead-generation website that will bring in more sales for your pest control business.


For example, make sure you add links to your social media pages and provide contact information for your business.


Use your website to list all the different pest control services you offer and how much each one costs. You can also add a booking form and generate invoices for customers.


Your website is also a great place to highlight all the testimonials and reviews you’ve gotten from previous customers.


Show off your license and registration certificates to provide a sense of confidence and security to your website visitors who, of course, are potential customers.


Now, your website can only be part of an effective pest control marketing strategy if it’s done right.


For this, you need to ensure that it’s responsive on mobile, that each page loads fast and that it’s easy to navigate. If it isn’t, your website visitors won’t waste time in closing that tab.



Stay Ahead of Your Pest-y Competitors


Using the above-listed pest control marketing ideas will not only get you more customers but will keep you ahead of the competition.


From sharing reviews and creating a referral program to improving Google My Business and investing in your website, you’ll become the top pest control business in your area in no time.


Plus, you can use NiceJob’s reputation marketing software to get more reviews so you’ll never have to worry about getting positive reviews or how best to share them.


NiceJob enables you to automate sharing reviews across social media or your website so you can spend more time doing the things you love, like killing bugs, I guess.