Landscaping Website Ideas to Increase Sales (with 4 Examples)!
Great Marketing Ideas for Your Landscaping Website
When trying to grow your small landscaping business, it’s important to think about your digital presence and your website.
When updating your own website, you begin to wonder how to go about it, what your website should communicate, how people will see it and ultimately how it’ll help you increase your sales.
After all, a great website that’s marketed well helps potential customers find and book you to design or care for their backyards, gardens and lawns, putting more revenue in your pocket.
So the more you invest into different landscaping marketing ideas for your website, the better your site will function on search engines and at generating leads.
With a website, you’re providing a digital storefront and showroom for your landscaping business that people can see when they search for your services online.
It shows off your amazing work and your customer reviews.
That’s important because according to online review statistics, website visitors are 74% more likely to contact a company with customer reviews.
When people visit your website, what action do you want them to take? Does your website motivate potential customers to do business with you?
In this article, I will share four important landscaping website ideas with examples to boost your sales and dominate your region to become the top-rated landscaper in your town.
4 Landscaping Website Ideas to Improve Your Company Website
So what should your landscaping website do differently to help you increase sales?
Here are the four landscaping website ideas we’ll cover:
- Use Social Proof
- Write Amazing Copy That Converts
- Have Compelling Images
- Create Strong Conversion Touchpoints
Once you start using these landscaping ideas on your website, your website can more effectively attract users and convert visitors into leads.
1. Use Social Proof
Social proof comes in different varieties: reviews, star ratings, testimonials, real-time statistics, etc.
What makes them social proof is when they communicate the satisfaction of your past customers.
The shared testimonials from people whose yards your company has worked on attract and influence the buying decisions of your new, potential customers.
Social proof is a huge deal for local businesses because about 84% of customers trust social proof over sales pitches, advertisements or anything else.
It should show what you do—don’t be shy to share what other people say about your business. It builds trust around your landscaping services and gives you an edge over competition.
A great example of social proof is showing off customer reviews on your landscaping website.
One company that does this well is Trinity Lawn & Landscaping. Their landscaping website has a simple layout with a touch of green to help people feel a better connection to the earth.
The most outstanding thing about this website is that there’s a full page dedicated to reviews.
Trinity Lawn & Landscaping brings it even closer to their customers with the title “Your neighbors are talking about us.” How amazing is that?
Plus, pop-ups with real-time reviews reinforce their positive reputation. That’s one great way to reassure your customers about your amazing service and the quality of your landscaping work.

2. Write Amazing Copy That Converts
Everything on your landscaping website including copy should have a role to play, especially if the goal is to increase sales.
Writing copy for small business websites can be tough. You have to consider the direction you want to take and how to communicate what you do.
Your copy helps people cross the bridge from consideration to decision. It's how you convince people that your landscaping services are valuable and address their needs.
Your landscaping website’s copy has to carry people through the stages that’ll eventually lead to a sale.
Appeal to emotions, be deliberate and let data guide your copy. For example, conclude an emotional appeal (“Your Dream Yard Awaits”) with stats about your customer-satisfaction levels.
In all, write copy that gets people to take action.
I came across the website for Jim’s Landscaping and was amazed at how well the website’s copy compels visitors to request an estimate.
The website grabs the visitor’s attention right away with the headline “Enjoy Your Yard Without Having to Maintain It!”—highlighting a benefit and mitigating a pain point all in one.
The interesting thing about their catchy copy is that it’s all in bold fonts that you can easily see. It convinces people that lawns need care and they can provide the best care for your lawn.
For your landscaping website, be intentional with your copy like with the aforementioned headline and your copy will be just the right hook you need to increase sales.

3. Have Compelling Images
Images never lie. Once you’ve worked on your copy, you need to back it up with a visual proof.
People want to see what you can do and this will take more than words alone.
Using high-quality and original images on your landscaping website helps you build credibility.
If you can, include images to your testimonials to make them more appealing. It helps people see and visualize your messages even better. This is also an excellent example of social proof.
Wondering how to choose images for your business website? To start, choose compelling photos of each of your services. Before-and-after images also help for contrast.
A perfect example of a landscaping website with great images is Higher Ground Lawn Care & Lighting.
One thing I like about their images is that, aside from all the great pictures used to make the website pop, they’ve also added images that show the real work they do.
When you own a landscaping business, people want to see the work that goes into it and how it turns out. Images show and convince people that you know and you're good at what you do.
Have a gallery with high-quality images of what you’ve done and dedicate a page to it on your website. Your sales will be better off with them.

4. Create Strong Conversion Touchpoints
What’s a conversion touchpoint? A conversion touchpoint is any element on your website that compels people to act, turning them from a visitor into a lead, such as a “Contact Us” button.
Conversion touchpoints help you move people on your landscaping website from point A to point B.
Important questions to ask might include if you want to include a contact form on your website and should you design it to make your follow-up easier or to improve conversion rates.
Would you prefer a “Call Us” button placed in a visible location on your website or to give people a reason to take an action on your page with an exit-intent popup on your website?
It’s important to know how to create a lead generation website using strong conversion touchpoints to help improve your landscaping website.
For instance, diversify your touchpoints to have some before, during and after a purchase. Use simple and clearly defined calls-to-action.
A great example of a landscaping website that focuses effectively on conversions is Errington Property Maintenance.
Their touchpoints show potential customers where they can go with clear text to demonstrate how they can get there, such as “Get Quote,” “Call Us” and an option to see customer reviews.
Conversion touchpoints on your landscaping website show how much you understand your customer journey and that you’re trying to improve your website experience to increase sales.

Increase Your Sales With a Great Landscaping Website
With these landscaping website ideas to help you increase sales, you know how and where to start from.
With strong social proof, compelling copy, beautiful images and effective conversion opportunities to turn visitors into leads, you’ll become the top landscaper in your area in no time!
As an added bonus, your landscaping website can incorporate all of these marketing ideas without you having to lift a finger.
NiceJob’s Convert websites, like all of the example landscaping websites mentioned in this article, are custom-built and fully data-driven to deliver more website sales.
Oh, and did we mention that if your Convert website doesn’t increase your conversion rate by at least 10%, it’s free? Well, I’m mentioning it now. Thought you should know!