How To Use Your Reviews For High-Converting Facebook Ads

Boost Your Online Reputation Marketing by Advertising Customer Reviews


Facebook is one of the top places people go to discover and learn about local businesses. Depending on your target demographic, Facebook may be the best place to reach your ideal customers.


Since you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you already know how to create a business Facebook Page to collect Facebook business reviews from your customers. This is an excellent way to grow your reputation as a local service business and attract new customers. Now it’s time to go one step further with reputation marketing.


This article will show why using online reviews in your Facebook ads attracts potential customers. I’ll also break down how you can build a high-converting Facebook ad using your positive reviews.

Let’s do this thing! 



The Importance of Online Reviews for Facebook Ads


First things first, why use reviews in your Facebook ads?


Part of your reputation is what your customers have to say about the products or services you offer.


The importance of customer reviews is they capture and represent your business reputation. Once you have more reviews, you can leverage your reputation to further market your business.


An excellent strategy to grow your business is using customer reviews as social proof marketing examples—this is a prime example of reputation marketing, which is using positive customer reviews to promote your company.


There’s a couple of reasons why reputation marketing, such as using reviews in your Facebook ads, is a highly effective way to win more leads and sales:


  1. Using reviews in your advertising boosts trust. Reviews are a public, unbiased declaration that someone trusts your business and is satisfied with the results of your work. That’s huge! Using social proof reviews in your ads helps potential customers feel comfortable to book your business because they will feel less risk-averse as they try to avoid buyer’s remorse.

  2. Humans copy other humans—it’s social proof psychology. Showing your ideal customer that others are happy with your services prompts a natural “copycat” behavior. Using reviews in your Facebook ads is a way to turn one happy customer into many more who will want to take similar actions and get similar results. 

  3. Showcasing customer reviews in Facebook ads increases your credibility. Sometimes clicking on a Facebook promotion makes people feel wary or skeptical. Customer reviews in the promotion help to avoid this feeling. This shows Facebook scrollers that someone just like them has already purchased from your business and is satisfied.


Anatomy of a High-Converting Facebook Ad 


When it comes to using online customer reviews to create Facebook ads, we’ll look at all the ingredients—visuals, copy, structure and targeting—to bake a high-converting ad.



Picking a Visual for Your Facebook Ad


The visuals you choose for your Facebook ad are extremely important.


Whether it’s a single image, a carousel or a short video, you want to pick something that will grab people’s attention and stop them from scrollin’ on by.


For selecting the review(s) you will use as the visuals for your ad, pick recent ones that check off any of the following:


  • They speak to your customers' values;
  • They highlight the benefits of hiring your service; and/or 
  • They have more than text (e.g., photo or video).



Tools for Creating a Visually Appealing Facebook Ad


Using your reviews in your advertising is effective in its own right. However, you want to make it as eye-catching as possible. Below are some tools to turn your reviews into posts that pop.




Canva is a free tool you can use to create your own graphics.




Lumen5 specializes in creating short videos.


Design Pickle


If creating design materials isn’t your strength, you may want to consider hiring-out to get the job done. Design Pickle can help with this.


Biteable Image Resizer


Make sure your visuals fit for each ad type and follow guidelines for Facebook-ad image sizes.


Here’s an example of a Facebook ad NiceJob created that highlights a review in an eye-catching way:


Sample Facebook ad from NiceJopb that promotes a positive online review.



Choosing the Right Copy for Your Facebook Ad


When you’re considering what to say in your advertising, the biggest (and I mean BIGGEST) asset you can have is knowing your ideal customer really well.


You should be able to address your ideal customer’s pain points and their highest aspirations. In every ad you create, you should speak to your customer and answer the question each and every one of them will have: “What’s in it for me?”


For example, let’s say you offer a window cleaning service and your ideal customer is a family living in a detached home. Instead of advertising clean windows, you could highlight the benefits of your service like a gorgeous view, increased curb appeal, seeing the kids playing in the backyard or extending the life of their home.


It’s worth mentioning that there’s some copy you should avoid using in your Facebook ads:


  • Fine print: Your ad is not the place for small details.
  • Specific details: Your ads do not need to highlight how the job will get done.
  • Pricing: Your Facebook ads do not need to talk about pricing, unless price is your competitive edge and you know your customers are price-sensitive.

When in doubt, ask yourself if your copy reflects something your customer will care about—and if not, it doesn’t need to be included in your ads.



Structure of a High-Converting Facebook Ad


I’m going to let you in on a secret. When you jump into your Facebook Ads Manager to structure your ad’s layout, remember that there’s a specific way people will read your ad. This is something you can take advantage of to create an effective advertisement.


It works like this:


Diagram showing typical user-eye movement on a Facebook ad with reviews for reputation marketing.

  1. The visual or text in the middle will be seen first and is what will hopefully catch your ideal customer’s attention.

  2. Then their eyes will move to the bottom of the ad. This is where you will fill in the high-level benefits or answer the “What’s in it for me?” copy.

  3. And finally, place supporting copy at the top because this is what seals the deal and results in a click or action. Remember, once a user clicks on the ad, it should take them to a landing page that prompts them to follow-through with the desired action. 

Targeting Your Facebook Ad to Your Ideal Customers


Once you have the visual, copy and structure put together, it’s time to consider which people to target your ad to.


In Facebook Ads Manager, you have many options to help with targeting, right down to demographics, location, interests, budget and more. You can even retarget website visitors with Facebook ads using Facebook ad targeting, which means anyone who visits your website will see your ads once they log in to the social media platform.


Once your ads are published, keep an eye on them to see how they’re performing. It might be in your best interest to test which reviews result in the most conversions and continue to tweak your ad campaign for better results.


At the end of the day, using your reviews in your Facebook ads is a great way to leverage your reputation to market your business and win even more leads and jobs. Good luck!

Turn your positive reviews into your best marketing assets!

NiceJob’s set-and-forget review software automatically gets you reviews and shares them on Facebook, Instagram, and more so you can become top rated.

See how it works
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