120+ Excellent Customer Service Quotes from the Pros
Motivational customer service quotes to grow your business and gain more vocal customers
Every good company wants to provide excellent customer service, but it’s not always easy to balance that with other business needs and goals.
Sometimes, it can help to get inspiration from what others have found to be true. We’ve asked customer service experts to share with us their best business motivation quotes that their teams lives by. The list contains quotes from public figures as well as personal customer quotes that our experts have developed during their own their careers.
The customer service quotes are listed and then summarized with commentary in more detail below, with a link to the full list of over 100 customer service quotes at the bottom of this post.
Top 20 Excellent Customer Service Quotes
- "Don’t try to tell the customer what he wants. If you want to be smart, be smart in the shower. Then get out, go to work and serve the customer!" - Gene Buckley (Anna Segova)
- "Assumptions are the termites of relationships." – Henry Winkler
- "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else." - Sam Walton (Travis Biggert)
- "Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans." - Ken Blanchard (Mollie Beck)
- "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates (Amanda Austin)
- "Ease your customers’ pain." - Hazel Edwards
- "Treat the customer like you would want to be treated. Period!" - Brad Schweig
- "Excellent customer service is the number one job in any company! It is the personality of the company and the reason customers come back. Without customers there is no company!" - Connie Edler
- "The key is when a customer walks away, thinking, 'Wow, I love doing business with them, and I want to tell others about the experience.'" - Shep Hyken (Connor J. Wilson)
- "People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care." - Teddy Roosevelt (Paige Arnof-Fenn)
- "Put yourself in their shoes." - Jesse Harrison
- "Always have an attitude of gratitude." - James R. Nowlin
- "Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company." - Tony Hsieh (Taylor Chastain)
- "The sole reason we are in business is to make life less difficult for our clients." - Matthew Odgers
- "People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou (Mike Sims)
- "Spend a lot of time talking to customers face-to-face. You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers." - Ross Perot (David Bakke)
- "Always begin with: 'So that I can better serve you, do you mind if I ask a few questions?'" - Jodie Shaw
- "Unless you love everybody, you can’t sell anybody." – Dicky Fox, Jerry Maguire (Greg Corey)
- "Imagine your customer is your best friend—listen to their concerns, be a shoulder to lean on and then shift the focus from what went wrong to how you can help make it right." - Rachel Hogue
- "Customer service is about empathy." - Chaz Van de Motter
Why Is Customer Service Important? Customer Quotes to Earn Business
Hopefully these inspirational customer service quotes can help you deliver exceptional experiences for your customers.
Going above and beyond for customers is what separates companies that thrive from companies that only survive. That's why these quotes about customers and how to provide excellent customer service are vital.
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120+ Inspirational Customer Service Quotes
Here are the top 120+ most inspiring customer service quotes from the pros.
With these customer satisfaction quotes, you can inspire your team to provide better customer service and deliver an experience your loyal customers will never forget.
That's how you differentiate and give yourself a competitive advantage — by putting the customer first!
1. “Don’t try to tell the customer what he wants. If you want to be smart, be smart in the shower. Then get out, go to work, and serve the customer!”―Gene Buckley
Anna Segova, Owner, Alterno Marketing
As a marketing professional, I always keep this in mind: with the variety of choices customers now have, the supply and demand model is now flipped around putting the power in consumers’ hands. It is now about knowing what the consumer wants and serving them, or they will find what they are
looking for elsewhere.
2. “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”―Henry Winkler
Jamie Lowary, Channel Relations Manager, PATLive
The human brain loves to categorize things. It’s how we make sense of our world on a daily basis. This has much to do with why we are so quick to make assumptions. Our brains need to understand why people say what they say by filling in the blanks. The breakdown happens when our assumptions are flat wrong. It’s dangerous to believe you know everything about your customer and vice versa. When you communicate with your customers, do so as clearly as possible with an open mind―and open ears. Listening is one of the greatest tools to combat assumptions.
3. “There is only one boss. The customer―and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”―Sam Walton
Travis Biggert, CIC, CRM, Chief Sales Officer, HUB International Mid-America
What I have always liked about this quote is that no matter how big of an organization someone has, everyone lives by this rule. It is the great equalizer and the law that can humble any human being, no matter how protected they think they are on their perch. Take Blackberry, for example. They went from controlling half the world’s smartphone market to being rendered completely irrelevant, and from a profit of almost $2 billion to a $5.8 billion deficit―all within five years. The fascinating beginning to this downfall occurred 24 hours after Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone, when the CEO of Blackberry famously stated, “It’s OK. We’ll be fine.”
4. “Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans.”―Ken Blanchard
Mollie Beck, Founder, Continue Good
We know if our customers are raving fans: good news will spread about Continue Good. We believe raving fans are better than any type of internet marketing. I have personally been a raving fan, and I couldn’t stop telling my friends about this company. Raving fans are contagious in the best way. If you inspire your company’s culture to expect nothing less than creating raving customers, it will put the needed weight on customer service and how you interact with your customers.
5. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”―Bill Gates
Amanda Austin, Founder & Owner, Little Shop of Miniatures
My team and I love this quote because no matter how well you run your business, unhappy customers are inevitable. While there will be a percentage who are just unhappy people looking to complain about anything, most people will have legitimate points worth considering. You can never see your business the way people on the receiving end of your service can, and listening to them is the only way to learn and improve. We are grateful when someone speaks up―so many unhappy people just never shop with you again while also spreading negative words about your business. Feedback of any kind is a gift, so use it to your best advantage. We’ve found that negative feedback that’s handled in a caring and concerned manner can often make a lifelong customer out of a previously disgruntled shopper.
6. “Ease your customers’ pain.”
Hazel Edwards, Owner, Gillian Roberts Bridal Boutique
My favorite quote is, “ease your customers’ pain.” This relates to understanding 100% who our ideal client is and solving the problems they face. By dealing with successful professional women, we are truly aware of the restrictions on their time being their main “pain.” By opening when they need us, sourcing their perfect outfit, and offering an alterations service, their visits and phone calls to us are limited, reducing any impact choosing a dress has on their day to day job.
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7. “Treat the customer like you would want to be treated. Period.”
Brad Schweig, Vice President of Operations, Sunnyland Patio Furniture
It’s pretty simple. Every business has to have policies and procedures, or else there is a good chance you are going to be taken advantage of. But there is no reason to make them any less consumer friendly than they need to be. I try to think of myself as a consumer when we put our policies in place. If I was shopping at a different store and they had the same policy, would I find it to be unfriendly or unreasonable? If so, it’s probably not a good policy for us.
8. “Excellent customer service is the number one job in any company. It is the personality of the company and the reason customers come back. Without customers, there is no company.”
Connie Elder, CEO & Founder, PEAK 10 SKIN
I believe whether your customers are wholesale or retail, how you treat them is the number one priority. Without repeat customers who feel appreciated, your business will not thrive. I also believe in the Southwest Airlines theory that how you treat your employees is how they will treat your customers. Both are vital to a successful business.
9. “The key is when a customer walks away, thinking ‘Wow, I love doing business with them, and I want to tell others about the experience.’”―Shep Hyken, Customer Service & Experience Expert
Connor J. Wilson, Founder & CEO @ Pilot (ex-NiceJob VP of Growth)
It’s simple, succinct, and to the point. It defines the purpose of creating an exceptional customer experience. Everything leads up to that moment where the customer has completed the transaction and, when it’s time to go, they’re overwhelmed by how thorough or attentive or personal an experience it was. It’s a memorable moment in comparison to the competition, making you stand out. Always leave them wanting more.
10. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”―Teddy Roosevelt
Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO, Mavens & Moguls
I like this customer service quote and find it inspiring because it is a simple reminder to me and my team to listen more than talk, show empathy, and try to look at the situation from the customer’s perspective. The goal is not to wear them down or impress them with your smarts. The goal is to solve the problem and make things right.
11. “Put yourself in their shoes.”
Jesse Harrison, CEO, Employee Justice Legal Team
When a client is frustrated, and I put myself in their shoes, I start to see their point of view and the reasons for their frustrations, and this motivates me to fix their problem. At the same time, there is no way that I could ever completely put myself in their shoes because I don’t have their life experiences, I will never know what the client has been through in the past. I will never know how the client was treated in his childhood, or what he went through just five minutes before meeting me. This leads me to judge them more favorably and give them the benefit of the doubt.
12. “Always have an attitude of gratitude.”
James R. Nowlin, Founder & CEO, Excel Global Partners
I created this quote myself. It is meant to remind myself and other people in my company that whenever a customer contacts us, it is a blessing even if that customer made contact to file a complaint. After all, each complaint provides us with insight on how we can improve the company. So, in my company, we make sure that every customer is approached with an attitude of thankfulness. Even when a customer is being irate, we take it as meaning the customer cares that much about our company that he or she reacts that much due to our shortcoming or mistake. A thankful approach is the best way to converse with customers.
13. “Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company.”―Tony Hsieh
Taylor Chastain, Marketing Manager, USB Memory Direct
This quote is the cornerstone of our small business. Every department in our company implements customer service in some way, regardless of whether they speak directly to the customer or not. For example, if something goes wrong with a customer’s order, our customer service team goes directly to the processing department to correct the issue as quickly as possible to keep the customer satisfied. If the processing department isn’t motivated to keep our customers as happy as our customer service team is, it would take much longer to correct any issues. This would cause our customers to become frustrated and unhappy, which is bad for the entire company―not just our customer service department.
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14. “The sole reason we are in business is to make life less difficult for our clients.”
Matthew Odgers, Attorney & Founder, Odgers Law Group
In any service business, your sole job is to make your client or customer’s life easier. While there may be only one way to perform a task, there are a million ways to work with the customer. Find a way to work with the customer that makes their life easier. Speak simply, explain thoroughly, listen fully, respond promptly, and break the standard workflow when needed. If we don’t make our client’s lives easier, then we are not doing our job.
15. “People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”―Maya Angelou
Mike Sims, Owner & Founder, ThinkLions
This quote has changed our business. Often, we get caught up in what we do, the achievements we make for our customers, and the great services we offer them. However, in the process of completing great work, it’s easy to forget what matters most―the customer. Great customer service is about making the customer feel satisfied and feel as if they made the right decision when they chose our company to solve their problem. In every customer service case, even when we disagree with a customer’s point of view, we seek to make them feel as if we are on their side and that we are committed to helping them.
16. “Spend a lot of time talking to customers face-to-face. You’d be amazed at how many companies don’t listen to their customers.”―H. Ross Perot
David Bakke, Financial Author & Blogger, Money Crashers
This customer service quote is inspirational because it delves down into a key aspect of customer service and, more importantly, something that most companies miss the boat on. You need to listen to what your customers are saying. This holds true whether the conversation is positive or negative. If the customer is complimentary towards your business, find out exactly what it was your business did right and accentuate that going forward with your employees. But even more essential are the negative interactions. Let the customer speak for as long as they need to and listen to what they have to say. Dig deep to find out what the pain point was, why it happened, and then put measures in place so this instance doesn’t occur again.
17. “Always begin with ‘So that I can better serve you, do you mind if I ask a few questions?”
Jodie Shaw, Chief Marketing Officer, The Alternative Board
Potential and existing customers are easily annoyed by generic customer service scripts. Most customers, especially new ones, have already done a lot of research before contacting a company, and when they finally reach out, they want their specific questions answered straight away. For example, if you are working at a tire store, and you get an inquiry for a certain type of tire, answering this question will not only give you permission to delve further into your prospective customer’s wants and needs, but will also allow you to provide the very best service and offer the right product recommendations for that customer. It also makes customers feel more like they’re part of a conversation rather than an inquisition.
18. “Unless you love everybody, you can’t sell anybody.”―Dicky Fox (Jerry Maguire)
Greg Corey, Founder & Principal, Porchlight
Contrary to popular belief, “Show me the money!” is not the best quote in that movie. Even though we are creating brands, we are always doing it not only with people but also for people. Clients hire us because they want to work with us, but they also know that our work is really for their customers. It’s all about building real, long-lasting relationships with people.
19. “Imagine your customer is your best friend. Listen to their concerns, be a shoulder to lean on, and then shift the focus from what went wrong to how you can help make it right.”
Rachel Hogue, Customer Service Manager, Azazie.com
When I’m adding to my customer service team, I look for people that think outside the box and will truly care about Azazie’s customers. By encouraging my stylists to imagine the customer as their best friend, it puts them in a mindset that immediately and instinctively makes them ask: “What would I do?,” “What can I do?,” and “How can I use this invaluable feedback to improve a service or product?” It subconsciously improves their tone of voice―spoken or written―helps remind them that we are all human and creates a loyal customer.

20. “Customer service is about empathy.”
Chaz Van de Motter, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Elite Marketing Studios
If you can view the situation from the customer’s shoes and understand what they value, you can provide a fair solution that will edify the consumer and strengthen your relationship.
21. “Personalize! Personalize!”
Amy McCord Jones, Owner, Flower Moxie
Most interactions we have on a daily basis are through technology, which makes life easier, but less engaging. Therefore, I guide my employees to interact with our customers in a meaningful and intentional way to make them feel like their talking to a real person.
22. “If you’re aspiring to satisfy your customers, then you’re aspiring to mediocrity.”
Jon Picoult, Founder & Principal, Watermark Consulting
Satisfied customers defect all the time. To achieve competitive advantage from the service you deliver, it’s not enough to just satisfy customers―you need to impress them.
23. “I guarantee you―spreadsheets, emails, and sticky notes won’t allow you to deliver service excellence.”
Jenna Dobkin, Director of Communications, Nimble, Inc.
Technology has raised the performance bar for everyone in terms of creating expectations of immediacy, personalization, and superior digital experiences. They expect you to know who they are, what they’ve bought, what are their concerns, and what are the next steps.
24. “Everything comes back to the Golden Rule.”
Alfonso Colasuonno, CEO & Co-founder, MyCareerHacker
Treat your customers the way that you would like to be treated. This principle should be at the forefront of your customer service policy. If you and your employees aspire to always go above and beyond for the people who choose to patronize your business, then you’ll attract customers for life.
25. “Legendary customer experiences are designed.”
Dwayne Vera, Consultant, www.DwayneVera.com
Too many companies expect a quality customer experience to either come from the personality of the person(s) directly in contact with the customer, or from the amenities that they provide. But the truth is that legendary customer experiences come from the very core of the company that is providing the experience. The values of the company and the hiring decisions need to be based on the best-case experience that they want to provide their customers.
For more inspiration, here is a collection of other service quotes from a variety of sources.
- “The reputation of a thousand years may be undermined by the conduct of one hour.”―Japanese proverb
- “The biggest thing stopping you from achieving an amazing Customer Experience is setting low expectations … and achieving them.”―E.J. Kritz, Director of Training, ath Power Consulting
- “Listen to your customers or you will have none”―Zach Hendrix Co-founder, GreenPal
- “No scripts. No bots. 100% real humans.”―Yaniv Masjedi, CMO at Nextiva
- “Customer service means making it easy and fast for your customers to get the help they need―when and how they need it.”―Steve Benson, Founder & CEO, Badger Maps
- “Customer service is the experience we deliver to our customer. It’s the promise we keep to the customer. It’s how we follow through for the customer. It’s how we make them feel when they do business with us.”―Shep Hyken, Customer Service & Experience Expert, Hyken
- “Great customer service is a critical competitive advantage for a business.”―Steve Benson, Founder & CEO, Badger Maps
- “Innovation that matters will involve a hard look at what your customer experience is and what it could be. If your company isn’t relentlessly focused on what is useful, digital Darwinism is going to leave you out on a forgotten branch of the evolutionary tree.”―Pete Sena, Co-founder, Digital Surgeons
- “Your service is rated by your profit.”―Elle Clarke, CEO, Elle Clarke Media Group
- “Value-added promotes customer retention (they come back) but value-unique nurtures customer advocacy (they bring their friends).”―Chip Bell, Keynote Speaker & Author, The Chip Bell Group
- “Client service is about excellence and integrity above all else and it should be a continually evolving process.”―Kirk Paulsen, President, River Oak Partners
- “Customer service is what sets the good companies apart from the bad companies. Think of it as an added value. In today’s competitive industry, everyone can provide the best product, but not a great customer service.”―Charles Vallena, Co-owner, Foretec Philippines
- “Only once customer service has become habitual will a company realize its true potential.”―Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders
- “Customer service has more in common with selling an identity than it does with selling a product.”―Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders
- “Flawless customer service facilitates opportunity more than anything else―the opportunity to exceed any and all expectations.”―Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders
- “Customer service will allow you to compete within your respective industry, but truly great customer service will allow you to transcend the industry altogether.”―Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders
- “Customer service is nothing less than the foundation on which today’s most prolific businesses will be realized.”―Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders
- “Customer service is everything and anything that touches a customer―directly or indirectly. Customer service means servicing customers, and it’s so much more than just solving problems or addressing complaints. Customer service is part of a holistic customer experience that is capable of providing a critical competitive advantage in today’s increasingly cluttered and commoditized marketplace.”―Joseph Jaffe, Founder, Evol8tion
- “Customer service is an attitude―not a department.”―Mo Hardy
- “You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be duplicated easily, but a strong customer service culture can’t be copied.”―Jerry Fritz, Author & Director of Management Institute, University of Wisconsin
- “Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.”―Kevin Stirtz, Author, “More Loyal Customers”
- “Service, in short, is not what you do, but who you are. It is a way of living that you need to bring to everything you do, if you are to bring it to your customer interactions.”―Betsy Sanders, Director, Consultant, Mentor & Writer
- “The customer: Someone that indirectly pays for your food, clothes, and vacations. Be nice to them.”―Gene Caballero, Co-founder, Green Pal
- “The customer tells us how to stay in business, [so it’s] best that we listen.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.”―Lisa Masiello, Founder & President, TECHmarc Labs, Inc.
- “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”―Bill Gates
- “It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.”―Henry Ford
- “There is only one boss: the customer. He can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”―Sam Walton
- “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.”―Jeff Bezos
- “Customers often know more about your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development.”―David J. Greer
56.“Profit in business comes from repeat customers: customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them.”―W. Edwards Deming
- “Any customer that walks away, disrespected and defeated, represents tens of thousands of dollars out the door, in addition to the failure of a promise the brand made in the first place. You can’t see it but it’s happening, daily.”―Seth Godin
- “Listen to your customers deeply, or you will have none.”―Bryan Clayton, CEO, Greenpal
- “Customer retention is the only metric that matters. When you focus on customer retention, by default you have to be exceptional at client care. In our instant gratification, online, lowest-price-is-best mentality, those companies that focus on keeping their clients, over acquiring new ones, will not only survive, they will thrive and see great profitability.”―Lou Altman, CEO, GlobaFone
- “The more helpful you are, more pleasant the customer is.”―AJ Saleem, Academic Director, Suprex Tutors Houston
- “Don’t overestimate the cost of going above and beyond to ensure the customer in front of you is satisfied. Don’t underestimate the ROI [return on investment] when they become a brand ambassador.”―Aaron Schmookler, Co-founder & Trainer, The Yes Works
- “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”―Steve Jobs
- “Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don’t view them as part of the problem.”―Alan Weiss, Author, Million Dollar Consulting
- “Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much.”―Blaise Pascal, Mathematician, Physicist & Inventor
- “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”―Benjamin Franklin
- “When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too.”―David J. Schwartz, Author & Motivational Speaker, “The Magic of Thinking Big”
- “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”―Don Alden Adams, President, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
- “Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us.”―Earl Nightingale, Author and Motivational Speaker
- “Language Matters.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Customers do not care how much you know unless they know how much you care.”―Damon Richards, Customer Service Expert
- “The most rewarding customer service experience is using everything you know to help someone else be what they want to be.”―Steven Lowell, Customer Service Manager
- “If you have the confidence to speak with people, you can solve their problems.”―Steven Lowell, Customer Service Manager
- “How customers experience your brand throughout their journey is what lasts. Experiences happen long before and long after customers swipe the card at the register or push the ‘confirm purchase’ button. You need to delight, not discourage, customers at every touchpoint.”―Pete Sena, Co-founder, Digital Surgeons
- “At the time your customer is most insecure, is the time you need your front line to be most confident.”―Chip Bell, Keynote Speaker & Author, The Chip Bell Group
- “Treat the customer as if you are that customer.”―Gena Lorainne, Marketing Specialist, Fantastic Gardeners
- “Whenever possible, try to understand your customers’ needs at such a high level that you’re able to provide solutions to their problems before they were even aware a problem existed. They will appreciate the attention to detail, and you’ll stand out as a trusted expert from the competition.”―Schaedler Insurance Agency, Inc.’s motto, Jeremy Schaedler, President
- “Be family. Be fun. Be amazing and be growing and learning constantly . Treat people like family. No matter what, there’s no right way, there’s no wrong way. When it comes to the customer, you just make it right.”―Keegan Hodges, Co-owner, Best Home Services
- “The customer is not always right. You just make them think they are.”―Mike Mancini, Founder, Mancini Digital
- “Show your contempt for the problem and your concern for the person.”―Jim Rohn
- “One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of your attention.”―Jim Rohn
- “Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.”―James Cash, Founder, JC Penney
- “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”―Walt Disney
- “The greatest technology in the world has not replaced the ultimate relationship building tool between a customer and a business―the human touch.”―Shep Hyken, Customer Service & Experience Expert, Hyken
- “You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work.”―Laurie McIntosh
- “Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers.”―H. Ross Perot
- “The more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.”―John Russell, Vice President and Managing Director, Harley Davidson Europe
- “Here is a powerful yet simple rule: Always give people more than they expect to get.”―Nelson Boswell
- “When people call our call center, our reps don’t have scripts, and they don’t try to upsell. They are just judged on whether they go above and beyond for the customer and deliver a kind of personal service and emotional connection with our customers.”―Tony Hsieh, Internet Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist, Zappos
- “In an era when companies see online support as a way to shield themselves from costly interactions with their customers, it’s time to consider an entirely different approach: building human-centric customer service through great people and clever technology. So, get to know your customers. Humanize them. Humanize yourself. It’s worth it.”―Kristin Smaby, Customer Service Expert
- “Always remember that everyone with whom you have a relationship has an invisible sign on their forehead that says, ‘Make Me Feel Important.’ Treat them accordingly.”―Eric Philip Cowell, Estate Agent Developer & Music Industry Executive
- “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”―Stephen Covey
- “Don’t reinvent the wheel. Focus on winning one customer at a time. Be honest and sincere. Do what’s right. There’s nothing magical about this. That’s been my guiding principle. To make it work, you have to live it every day. Make it your mindset.”―Robert Spector, Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Customer Service Expert
- “Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.”―Donald Porter, Vice President, British Airways
- “The customer’s perception is your reality.”―Kate Zabriskie, President, Business Training Works
- “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’”―Brian Tracy, Author and Motivational Speaker
- “Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”―Denis Waitley, Author & Motivational Speaker
- “Pay attention to hellos and goodbyes.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Your A team are absolute specialists with unique capabilities to achieve ambitious results; we don’t have a B team.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “When people like you, then you have won 80% of the battle.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Build the well before you need the water.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Fish where there is fish, it’s easier to find what you are looking for because it will come to you.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.”—Ovid, Heroides
- “The most powerful display of customer satisfaction is positive word of mouth.”―Steven Lowell, Customer Service Manager
- “Never mistake activity for achievement.”―Pamela Nelson, President & CEO, Bracane Research Company
- “When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and good, orderly direction to enter.”―Julia Cameron, Author, Artist, and Filmmaker
- “You can’t make a decision based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”―Michelle Obama
- “You can only do what you know until you know better. Then, do better.”―Steven Lowell, Customer Service Manager
- “Your mission statement may be on the wall, but your core values are displayed in the attitudes of your employees.”―Elle Clarke, CEO, Elle Clarke Media Group
- “It takes months to find a customer and only seconds to lose one.”―Unknown
- “The more you know, the more you owe.”―Luis J. Rodriguez, Poet, Novelist & Journalist
- “The most realistic expectation is based on the most pessimistic prognosis. Be prepared.”―Gena Lorainne, Marketing Specialist, Fantastic Gardeners
- “He profits most who serves best.”―Arthur F. Sheldon
- “Every interaction is a chance to delight or offend. What choice will you make today?”―Pete Abilla, Founder & CEO, FindATutorNearMe
- “If a customer-focused culture isn’t coming from your company’s c-suite, it needs to come from within you.”―Lisa Masiello, Founder & President, TECHmarc Labs, Inc.
- “The lack of value in something is not its weak spot, it’s an opportunity for improvement.”―Gena Lorainne, Marketing Specialist, Fantastic Gardeners
- “Every interaction with your company, whether offline or online, is another opportunity for your customer to determine if you are exceptional or not.”―Lisa Masiello, Founder & President, TECHmarc Labs, Inc.
- “Brand described in 4 words: empower employees, delight customers.”―Lisa Masiello, Founder & President, TECHmarc Labs, Inc.
- “Love what you do or go away. Passion is the original motivation of every business.”―Landscaping London’s customer service saying, Theodore Beasley, Landscape Designer
- “There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.”―Roger Staubach, Hall of Fame Football Player
- “To focus on something you want to achieve―no matter how small, is more relevant than focusing on something you’ve already accomplished.”―Michael Smucker, Owner, Smucker Brothers Construction
- “The key is to set realistic expectations, and then not to just meet them, but to exceed them―preferably in unexpected and helpful ways.”―Richard Branson
- “We think ahead but do it now. There’s no tomorrow for moving forward.”―Theodore Beasley, Landscape Designer, Landscaping London
- “Make a customer, not a sale.”―Katherine Barchetti
- “Businesses often forget about the culture and, ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.”―Tony Hsieh, Internet Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist, Zappos
- “If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.”―Ray Kroc, Businessman & McDonald’s Founder
- “If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the internet, they can each tell 6,000.”―Jeff Bezos, Founder, Amazon
- “No amount of advertising can repair the damage done by failing to properly address a customer’s concern.” — Albert Schindler, Writer
- “What gets measured, gets done. What gets recognized gets done again, and even better.”―Robert Crawford, Director, Institute of Customer Service
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Inspiration has always been a huge part of what drives a successful company, and this rings true for customer service.
Inspirational customer service quotes can continuously fuel your team’s drive and reignite passion for their jobs, so giving a few quotes for your team to live by will influence their performance for the better.
This article about business motivation quotes for customer service was originally published on Fit Small Business.