Must-Listen Podcasts For Your Drive @ Five

You’re a home service business owner - and it is balls-to-the-wall busy season.

And many owners are on-site OR in the truck most of the day.

So how do you get your daily dose of leadership-level-up time when you’re so dang busy?


You drip it in your ear holes… 

While you drive…


And we’ve got the goods to get your playlist started! 


Whether it’s 5 AM or 5 PM… we hope you’re OFF the jobsite or out of the office…


We know most of you are out there hustling and looking to boost your business's online presence. Our first episode tackles one of the most common digital reputation questions: How to get good Google reviews? NiceJob Founder Lars Kristensen shares insights on boosting your 5-star Google reviews. Learn why a 4.8/5 rating is better than a perfect 5 and how to manage 1-star reviews effectively. 


As part of creating the Contractor Evolution podcast by Breakthrough Academy, we’re fortunate to speak with many whip-smart business experts from the home services industry. It was no small feat to whittle the playlist down to just three since every episode is packed with wisdom, but we’ve focused on episodes that will hype you up, peak your performance, and give you the power to prioritize to find balance.  

The Episodes 

  1. Lars Kristensen: The Easy Way To Get More 5-Star Google Reviews

  2. Brian Kaskavalciyan: 4 Tactics To Put Your Referrals On Steroids

  3. Mike Michalowicz: Which Fire Should I Put Out Next 

1. Lars Kristensen: The Easy Way To Get More 5-Star Google Reviews


🌟 Why it made the list: Did you know that 92% of customers read online reviews before they contact you? That means that reviews do a lot of the heavy lifting without you even noticing, so automating your reviews is a total no-brainer! Your busiest season means that you are able to make the most of getting those reviews. Don’t be in the 83% of businesses that don’t ask for them… get out there and do it! 


We cannot recommend this episode enough - NiceJob offers top-rated reputation management software to help you outrank the competition, while the tips and insights on why your online reputation matters come directly from NiceJob’s Founder and a dear friend of the BTA community, Lars Kristensen!



Listen to Lars explain The Easy Way To Get More 5-Star Google Reviews, and why it’s more important than ever for a business to focus on reviews. He also shares hot tips such as why a 4.8/5 rating is actually better than a perfect 5, and how to deal with the dreaded 1-star review (hint: starting a heated battle in the comments, ain’t it).


If you'd like to learn more about NiceJob, simply sign up here to give it a try for yourself and receive an exclusive partnership offer as a BTA member of 20% off your first 12 months!


2. Brian Kaskavalciyan: 4 Tactics To Put Your Referrals On Steroids


🌟 Why it made the list: Do you know where your customers will come from in 2024? This episode will teach you how to build stability by turning your current customers into your most dependable referral machine. 


In this episode, contractor marketing expert and author of The 7 Secrets to Becoming a Wealthy Contractor, Brian Kaskavalciyan, unveils 4 Tactics to Put Your Referrals on Steroids. Similar to NiceJob Founder Lars Kristensen’s podcast, here, too, you can learn how Google reviews can position your company as an industry leader. Get ready to keep your nurture program thriving for years to come. 


3. Mike Michalowicz: Which Fire Should I Put Out Next?


🌟 Why it made the list: Most entrepreneurs’ biggest problem is… they don’t know what their biggest problem is. How much time did you waste this year in a frenzy, focused on things that seemed important at the time but after the dust settled, turned out to be… not? This summer, focus on solving the right problems and spend your time managing the issues at your pay grade. 

Best-selling business author Mike Michalowiczof Fix This Next, offers a no-nonsense framework called The Business Priority Pyramid, which will help you develop the most vital skill for entrepreneurial success: prioritization. With this tool in your belt, you’ll never have to wonder again: Which Fire Should I Put Out Next?

🚩BONUS: 19 Hilariously Accurate Client Red Flags 


🌟 Why it made the list: The real question is: why would it NOT make the list? Listen to this short and cathartic episode and see how many of these clients from HELL you relate to. 


🪜 🪜 🪜


Each of these episodes highlights a focus that all of us should have in the front of our minds at the cusp of our busiest time of the year. If there is one takeaway, it is the importance of prioritizing what actually matters. 


Join the brainpower of NiceJob founder Lars Kristensen, marketing guru Brian Kaskavalciyan, and bestselling author Mike Michalowicz as they take you on a whirlwind tour of leadership tips. Buckle up for insights on the go!


As you continue your contractor evolution, remember that you don’t have to go it alone. The industry-specialized coaches at Breakthrough Academy can give you a hand with shaping your goals… and formulating a plan to achieve them.


We’re not oracles, but we know this much: THIS YEAR will be whatever you make it.


Just because you run a 7-figure business doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. Find out how Breakthrough Academy can help you.



Breakthrough Academy (BTA) helps owners implement The Contractor Growth Method: the only operational system purpose-built for contractors. Members build profitable and efficient companies through proven processes, coaching, and community networking; they reclaim their time, increase their profit (+69% net in the first year), and become visionary leaders instead of the doers-of-all-things. If it’s time to get out of the day-to-day to focus on the bigger picture, BTA is built for you!