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A powerful and flexible customer service platform that scales.


About Zendesk

Zendesk is a service-first CRM company that builds support, sales, and customer engagement software designed to foster better customer relationships. From large enterprises to start-ups, we believe that powerful, innovative customer experience should be within reach for every company, no matter the size, industry or ambition. Zendesk serves more than 150,000 customers across hundreds of industries in over 30 languages. Zendesk is headquartered in San Francisco, and operates offices worldwide.

Zendesk and NiceJob

Connecting Zendesk to NiceJob

Collect reviews every time a customer conversation gets a good rating, auto-magically.

Schedule a call with us in the blue bubble on our website

Want to do it yourself? Skip to the next step.

Login or create a account. Click "Create New Zap"

Make sure you're on a standard NiceJob free trial or plan so we have an account to connect to!

Go through the setup process - then you're all set!

Select Zendesk as the trigger for every closed support ticket. Select NiceJob as the action for the "get reviews" campaign.